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Benefits of Spending Time Outdoors - Are Quick Getaways Becoming the Urban Hack to Wellness?

It may be safe to say that most urban dwellers experience an underlying sense of stress and a deep desire to escape into the warm arms of respite amidst what can often be a rerun of navigating through the same tricky tides of tiresome tasks that one’s routine ordains one to endure. While to each, one’s own relevant reason to subscribe to the city’s opportune way of life to earn one’s living; the reason one gives oneself to get on with life in it’s good, bad, and ugly, the tug in the heart as it reminds one to take a break may almost become as inescapable as the mundane in its rewards do.

Whether it is the bright eyed aspirants who look for jobs in the big city or those first and second generation youth who call the urban landscape their home, to prefer working in a city with recreational possibilities in clear view may be a natural choice that needs no explanation. Bangalore as it sits on a sweet spot on the map, its locational privileges encompass the proximity of vacation spots one can slip away to indulge in and needless to say; makes the Silicon Valley of the country a tad bit more lucrative for those who seek to live their youth to the fullest.

Needless to say, the various geographical hotspots around the city providing an experience one often seeks to achieve as a dreamy young traveler, have rightfully stepped up in recent years. Besides being blessed with climatic conditions that can seem rather magically destined to embrace one with the harmony of relaxation amidst natural trails of clean and fresh air, locals living in the said spaces have undoubtedly made the effort to make them as hospitable and enticing for tourists as possible.

When as many alignments as chalked out make room for quick getaways for humankind across the nation if not worldover to cherish, it is perhaps only fair to wonder what the said phenomena entails. Why are quick getaways significant and that, to the extent of being as prevalent across times and spaces?

Give yourself the Gift of Getting Some Air

The outdoors have historically been prescribed as natural antidotes to regaining one’s state of wellness and one’s sense of self in coming back to the reality that one values as an instinctive welcome of one’s love for life. While every urban dweller is sure to recognise the need for the open spaces surrounded in green expanses and the untouched bliss of nature’s genteel, the city’s spark in being alive in the darkest hour of the night may be a non negotiable built with cement and brick.

Most people living in the city know eventually if not immediately, that giving oneself the gift of a getaway is rather significant and here is perhaps why the urban dwellers’ lifestyle mandates the quick vacation that most take to.

1.Break from the Routine and Balance :

From boredom to fatigue, the routine in its repeated and recurrent actions may be causal factors to a sense of mental rancidity and has more often than not, proven to leave one stressed and uninspired. Balance as it is the bright blip of the bound blueprint to life, has seen itself play out within breaks taken from the routine and what better than a quick getaway to an adventurous resort nestled amidst the natural bliss of being outdoors?

2.Boost in Physical Wellness :

Letting One’s Limbs Loose - Although adults, the child in one never does disappear and alongside fitness, exercising one’s muscles to render one’s physical wellness in favorable choices may go a long way to the likes of those who spend the majority of the mundane sitting inside air conditioned rooms and in front of a screen. To give oneself the miracle of spending time outdoors may be crucial to those that cannot escape the stiff back that one earns alongside one’s pay.

3.Mental Wellness :

Compounding one stressor with another while it may have become the way of urban life, is unmistakably the source of long term anxieties in their gradual occurrence and self care has thereby become vital to being a part of today’s social fabric. Escaping to a nature resort with a fun filled itinerary is a universally beloved path to achieving mental wellness.

4.Sharing, Bonding, and Making Memories :

There is more to life than to live it in its responsibilities and in the race that adults are more often than not running through. While one may acknowledge the same, it is only natural to struggle with making the time needed and spending a day out at a nearby vacation spot may be that treasure trove to take on. One is able to bond, share, and experience bonds that one may otherwise not be able to via the same.

Are you looking to wander off and get a day by nature’s calm presence? Have you been hoping to pack your bags and drive away with loved ones to sink into a sense of comfort? At Hombale Resorts, one of the best resorts in Kanakapura Road, the child in you, your friends, your visiting family, and children are each invited with something soothing. Pack your bags and come by to get that quick escape.